Monday, January 28, 2013

{mama style}

Hey readers, I just entered in one of my favorite fashion bloggers (Cara Loren) "mama style" contest! What a fun idea for a bunch of mothers to show how they can still be fashionable even if they're rockin a baby on their hip! I absolutely love all the other gals who put this little contest together, they all have amazing styles! Click on the "mama style" button to check them all out OR to enter in the mama style

 My style has definitely changed since I became a mom, and even more so now that my babes are all over the place and I have to chase not one but TWO babies going in different directions! Don't be fooled though ladies, it is possible to still be extremely comfy AND stylish! 

My MUST haves in a mommy closet would be...

 A button up blouse- These are amazing with skinny jeans or leggings and you can dress them up or down however you please!

Maxi skirt- These are so comfy yet chic! possibly the only type of dress I can chase my boys in!

Leggings- You can never go wrong with them and you can always step outside just plain ones and get some printed ones like these!

I haven't shown any of you readers my little boys yet so here is a picture of the little darlings!
        Cohen & Simon

Awww.. aren't they the sweetest!? ;)


  1. Super cute!! And your babies are ADORABLE!! They remind me of my little guy!

    Found you through the Mama style link-up!


    1. Aw thanks girl!! And your little boy is precious!! How old is he?! They look about the same age!

  2. You are a beaut! Love your mama style, and your little one is precious.
    Thanks for linking up!
    x, Anna

    1. Thank you!! And I love your blog!! glad I found it! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Don't we all?! Although, I might wear them a little too often! ;)

  4. I love your style! Too Cute and your boys.... can we say precious! So I stopped by and thought I would become your next follower!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  5. Aw thank you so much!! :) And I tried to go to your blog but it says it doesn't exist?! Maybe somethings wrong with my computer though it's being a little weird today! :/

  6. Your style is perfect even though I'm not a mommy yet I totally love your wardrobe needs!

  7. hi ashley! found you through the mama style linkup, thanks for stopping by buttons and bows! you have the most gorgeous eyelashes! (and boys!)

  8. hey i tried to reply to your comment on my blog and you are a "no reply" blogger - there is a link on my blog about how to fix that!
