Wednesday, January 30, 2013

{eternity scarf tutorial}

Tutorial on the "eternity scarf"

Find an old shirt that you're okay with destroying, and a pair of scissors! (The larger the shirt, the better!)

Cut off both ends of the shirt. Right below the armpit straight across and the bottom seam
(This bottom seam curved down so just make sure you make your cut straight across.
Your cuts don't have to be perfect!!)

Cut one inch strips until you have cut the entire shirt into strips. pull them apart as far as you can to get them really stretched out!

put them together with the seams matching up.

Using a piece of the left over shirt, cut a strip and use it to tie it together

Use anything you have around the house to dress it up! I had this little pearl bracelet that I never wear so I tied it around to make it a little more decorative!
(I'm wearing this wrapped around my neck twice! If you want it longer just wrap it once!)


  1. Such a cute scarf! I've seen these before but have never gotten around to actually making one myself!

    1. Oh they are soo easy!! If you end up making one post a picture of it! ;)

  2. Just made one! How do you get the bracelet on!
